Miscarriage is one of the most feared things during pregnancy. Unfortunately, some women can experience it, even more than once. There are various causes of recurrent miscarriage that are important to know in order to be avoided, to prevent miscarriage from happening again.
A miscarriage is called a recurrent miscarriage if it has happened 3 times in a row or more. If you experience it, don't be discouraged. With the evaluation and treatment given by the doctor, it is still possible that the pregnancy you want can be realized.
Various Causes of Recurrent Miscarriage
Before returning to try to get pregnant, it's good if you first know the common causes that make a woman experience a recurrent miscarriage, including:Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)
This antiphospholipid syndrome is also known as thick blood syndrome. APS makes blood tend to clot. From the results of the study, APS cases were found in 15-20 percent of women who experienced recurrent miscarriages.
Thrombophilia also makes blood clot more easily. This disease is similar to APS, only thrombophilia is already a genetic inherited disease. In the case of thrombophilia, miscarriages generally occur at 10 weeks' gestation, because the supply of nutrients to the fetus is stopped due to disruption in blood flow.
Genetic disorders
Some couples are proven to experience recurrent miscarriages due to having abnormal chromosomes in their bodies, causing fetal developmental disorders that trigger miscarriages.
Uterine problems
If a woman has a recurring miscarriage, it is likely that she has a deformity of the uterus and cervix that is weak, so that the fetus in it cannot survive and grow perfectly.
Problems with hormones
Although it has not been determined to what extent it is related, some hormonal problems, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, are believed to be related to recurring miscarriages.
Cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine
If done often enough, these three things can increase the risk of recurrent miscarriage.
How to Avoid Recurrent Miscarriage
Most of the cases of miscarriage can not be prevented. But when a woman has a miscarriage more than three times in a row, then it takes medication and special supervision from a doctor to undergo a subsequent pregnancy. Here are some ways you can do to prevent a recurring miscarriage:Do a blood test
The results of blood tests are used to determine the presence or absence of abnormalities, such as APS and chromosomal abnormalities. In the case of APS, a healthy pregnancy can be undertaken by administering blood-thinning drugs and special supervision by a doctor. Meanwhile, in the case of chromosomal abnormalities, you and your partner will be asked to go to a genetic specialist for further treatment.
Ultrasonography (USG)
An ultrasound examination is performed to detect any uterine problems. If a problem is found, the doctor may perform surgery to prevent a miscarriage from happening again.
Implement a healthy lifestyle
Try to eat with balanced nutrition, by including fruits and vegetables into the menu every day. Maintain ideal body weight before pregnancy and take precautions against infections during pregnancy, such as rubella. In addition, avoid cigarettes and alcohol, and the use of drugs without doctor's supervision, during planning and during pregnancy.
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